Monday, July 20, 2020

Flux This!

I bought a gun today
I wish it was a Golf club or Baseball Glove
I had to buy some ammo
It should have been a steak dinner

We look over our shoulders
 In fear and in disbelieve
The world and neighborhoods are in dissarray
So we arm oursleves in fear

Preparedness or lack of faith
I'm not sure how to feel
Sending the wrong message
When I tell others it's going to be alright

Hypocrit or nit wit
Which side of the fence do we fall
I cry out in anger
Do I pray or should I crawl

Meaningless conversations both swaying left and right
I try to make sense of it all, Coming up empty in my fight
Doomed are we who think it will be ok
North and South fight continues today

Black, Brown , Yellow, Pink and White
All with their special allure
The embers burn a slow hot death
Color is the disease instead of the cure

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