Friday, July 24, 2020

Finding It

Always in search of finding a true self
We crave and yearn for praise from the ones we respect
When we don't get
We sometimes create our false realities

Feeling good annd being good aren't the same
How many people were made to feel bad while we were making ourselves feel good?
At who's expense was our gain and profit
Respect and admiration is an earned trait, not a learned one

I was once told through reading
Mr. Schaeffer says to me
"It's not what we think of ourselves that matter,
it's what those that matter in life think of you"

So blessed to have role models I trust
Life lessons aren't always handed out
We sometimes need to seek them out
Hear a speech, read a book, another person's perspective

People like Schaeffer, Evans,  Yancey , Bolz- Weber
Not only spiritual stewarts and mentors,but real life accountants of reality
Showing me how the golden rule applies as much as scriptures
It's ok to not believe every minute of the day, we are mistake prone as humans

My true self can change daily
What I stand for shouldn't
If you stand for nothing , you are NOTHING!
Personal resolve comes from past failure and success

I know when I don't know
I know what I am capable of
I don't know what the day will bring
But I have the tools to fix it when it breaks

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