Thursday, July 23, 2020


Emblazoned on a bumper sticker
Jesus Saves and John 3:16
Prayers abounding from sunrise til dawn
A Zondervan can't be far behind

I Believe , I truly believe
My attempts at goodness not always good
I am a flawed man is what I am
But I know what I know and won't hide from it

Hypocrits and Bible thumpers
Casting the lines and judgements daily
Glass houses and rocks are thrown
Broken faith and shattered windows

So do your Sunday trips to mass
Find that peace of mind and show your class
Sundays best looking so good
Your fishy sticker is looking worn

I've seen the light , and I've been saved
Spirituality has been depraved
I feel so good and I want to help
I hope somebodys watching me feed the poor

Grandstand and self agrandizing speech
Do you feel better now that you tried to reach
Those who aren't you and want them to be
Which book and scripture shall we read

Walk the walk and much less talk
Show your goodness without saying a word
Do your good deeds and spread the faith
Scriptures are words, actions are real

My version is the golden rule
No Catechism and Sunday School
I give to give and then forget
Forgive mistakes and expect the same

Me carrying a Bible in my hands
Makes me no more of a Christian
Than a man standing on my lawn
Calling himself a sprinkler head

Don't get wet
Don't ever forget
Bibles aren't pedestals
But a good story to live by when you can

Whats the difference bewteen
Greg and God?
God never tries to play Greg
I never want to be that guy... AMEN

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