Sunday, July 26, 2020

Let It Go

Driving down the road I see allot of things
Some things make me smile, others make me cringe
Trying not to play God on people's worlds and choices
But sometimes I've gotta try.

When the world is ablaze with hate and discontent
No fire trucks within decades to suffocate the flames
Waiting for a Southern California rainy day
Would be like our leadership taking responsibility!

Riding down the street on my Bicycle
I see more things and hear so much better
Teenagers kissing on the front porch
Adults fighting over who gets the last Budweiser

What I do see is a competition
The fight to be right  and to be heard
The Cell phones with the Google instant gratificattion
Salvation is an Enter button away

Fact check and disrespect
I hear people calling bullshit
Nobody wants to hear the truth
They just want to be right and prove you wrong

Sad sensations are engrained in my mind
I see so many who have so little
Her I sit being priveledged and never needed a thing
When does the equalityof life , liberty and the pursuit of normalcy come to fruition?

The man down the street who shuffles along
Beaten , ematiated and sad, he lights up another cigarette
Living in the halfway house half kilometer away from me
My heart is full of love and garage full of things I don't need

Kids down the street so full of life and energy
Grumpy adults yelling and screaming at whatever they feel is unjust
The balance of life escapes me sometimes
Maybe it's not my job to try to figure it out

Tomorrow's journey to whatever it may be
I'll ride my bike past the same kids
Smell the Carne Asada BBQ in the driveways on any given day
The essence of home brings it all back , it is home!

The fire truck never arrived
The world's on fire and getting hotter
Unrest and division won't end today
But maybe my concerns for it all should?

Hard to walk away from giving a shit
Harder to stop believing in mankind
Maybe Elsa from frozen had it all right
Just,   "Let it Go, let it go,let it go"

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