Friday, July 10, 2020

Got here from there!

My heart is racing
My mind is chasing
The tail of my dog days
And it slapped me really hard

I caught my tail
Decisions to fail
Second chances
Years of therapy later

Apocalyptical blunders
Lives temporarily in ruin
Guilt laden and frozen
In the headlights of my own life

Long since made amends
That bad moves can leave a stain
Never to be free again
From a hell that I created

So Michael's grab bag of shit and piss
My vain efforts of swing and miss
To mend myself from myself
Was never going to happen

In retrospect Life lessons learned
At others expense to hurt and burn
I would rather it be me to shovel my shit
The one who loves me would never quit

19 years of God's greatest gifts
Sharing, growing and spiritually lifting
Yesterday's sorrow is today's celebratory parade
May be the path that needed to be taken

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