Monday, July 13, 2020

Boys of Summer

Every time I hear that song
I dream a little bit
When I see a batted ball
I wish, I wish it was me
The Smell of heart of the hide leather
Better than the bakery downtown

All the years of playing hard 
My arms and shoulders have paid their tolls
Throwing, Hitting and rolling around
I miss my friend very much

When I pass a field in town
Kids playing the game I love so much
Takes me back to a better time
when a kid could be a kid

Those who don't know the game
Say it's much too slow
Those who know how hard it is
Pray that it never ends 

I miss my game of passion 
Watching the best in the world
I'd settle for a wiffle ball game 
Or a game of grounders in the street

Coming soon to a TV near you 
The great parade will be displayed
Get in there and take your swings
The boys of summer have come to play

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