Saturday, July 4, 2020


Genetic Addiction?
Social affliction?
Another drink won't hurt you
Until it does!

Childhood memories
Olympia and Budweiser
Mogen David anyone?
Wake up dad, time for bed

Everybody does it
It can't be bad
Can't have a meal without a glass of wine?
Because Diet Pepsi is so much better for you?

Lost in the circus
What is normal or damaging
I'm an 8 year old boy
Telling dad, "you've had enough"

When the elixir does its' thing
Shouting and banter ensue
I tell myself as an 8 year old boy
It's time to raise yourself

Learning lessons of right and wrong
Teaching myself how to be strong
Little league games of wait and see
Will dad smell like a brewery?

I've grown up now
Dad finally quit
A new beginning for all his kids
time to patch the potholes

I give and take my own opinions
I don't partake
Addictive personality
Caffeine free Diet Pepsi please

I have forgiven but not to forget
my learning curve
And my only regret
Wish my dad could've met my son

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