Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Running out of things to say
So I write and make your eyes bleed
Don't pass judgement on the world
Let me tell you what I think

Trying to make some sense of it all
Chaos has no ending
Superimpose my worlds eye view
Never as clear as I imagined it

Do as I do, not as I say
You never listened anyway
Come across the fork in the road
Stab me with your knife

Classic case of telling stories
I'm wonderful in all of my glory
Evolve to resolve and be my best
I'm only as good as I'm told

The world is fire, when there is no water
The Chamber is empty, there are no reloads
Thoughts run dry like an old riverbed
I can't sleep or get out of bed

Tomorrow is yesterday's joke for today
If I knew the punchlines, I might have a say
I'd drink to something , if something were true\
I put down my glass and defer to you!

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