Sunday, July 5, 2020


Some days I wake up alive
Other's I'm not so sure
The birds are always singing
But I don't alway hear them

When does it ever rain?
Not much around here
Arid, dusty, brown hillsides
How can I complain about 70 degrees every day

No four seasons for me
Summer fog hangs low to give me perspective
On days that I wake up alive
I hear the birds, see green hillsides ,appreciate this life

The days I'm feeling weary and spent
Anger , fear and irritability cross my path
The word hate rarely crosses my mind
Yet I hate myself when I feel like this

Today I'm alive
I ride my bike, workout at home, jump on my Motorcycle
so I question myself for ever feeling like shit
The constant battle to regain Perspective

Good days and bad days
Somebody else has it worse
My body aches, pains of aging
yet I still feel an obligation to push ahead

So when I feel like a pity party
And the world 's revolutions are off of my personal axis
I realize that time is never on our side
So making it matter is a big deal to me

Move along or move aside
Make a difference and realize
God's greatest plans, the world's demise
My spirituality and faith is keeping me alive

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