Saturday, August 1, 2020

Remember To Forget

Time doesn't necessarily heal the wounds
It exacerbates them and wears down the treads
Like the tires on our cars they have a life span
Daily wear and abrasive roads

Body aches and mindful lapses
The spring in the step is deflated and lacks its' former resiliency
Holding my book at arms length to read
Did I read this page already , or should I read it again

I forgot the name of that place we go
I forgot to remember if I took my medicine
When is my appointment and what time
Surely I wrote it down, where is my phone?

Once so athletic and gifted with talent
I throw the ball to my puppy
My arms is so sore
Time is neither my enemy or Friend,it  ris my reality!

Saturday mornings early and bright
I pick up the paper and feel and hear my knees pop
Aging is my life's new normal
I stay active to thwart the inevitable

I can hear it all and see it so clear
My senses are sharp, my mind is clever 
The aches and pains that come from simple tasks
The cost of banging the drums so hard for so many years

The salad years or so they say
I've tossed them about like spilled Romaine
Appreciative for the gifts I've been bestowed
A life with love in it and people to share it 

So forgive me if I remember to forget
This world, this life , has yet to plateau
Ascending towards a higher goal
Enjoying today, tomorrows will come


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