Sunday, July 12, 2020

They Speak To Me

I think of all the song titles or lyrics that apply to me
Hey wait, that's me he's talking about
How did she know I felt like that?
That drum beat is exactly how I wished my heart would beat
Rhythmic, mellow, yet assertive and with a purpose

Costello said" I love you so much I could die, she said drop dead and left with another guy! Fucking Genius!
So I rewind and relive some memories of years gone by
The thoughts are bittersweet with a chance of goodness waiting to happen
Being the supreme realist I see no glass big enough to carry my piss

I have an entire catalogue in my garage
Memoires, Scriptures, the old testament per se
Outlining a whole lot of what  the fuck
Who is that guy and how did he ever get through that
Well that, being relative to the real world as a developed grown up

Probably bubble gum and puppy dog crap
reminded me of a sarcastic lyric from Crowded House
"Now I'm walking again , to the beat of a drum , and I'm counting to the steps to the door of your heart" Thank you Mr. Neil Finn
Writing about lost loves, or loves that were never found, wishful thinking
Again "Don't dream it's over" Crowded House

Robert Palmer's hyperactive, yeah , I've been that guy for no reason
How many times did you wish hateful things to your significant other?
"Girlfriend in a Coma" My man Morrissey
Every time I hear the word Soulmates
I want to heave ho
Come in U2's BONO, "two hearts beat as one" fucking gag!

The common denominator here is that my music, my bands are always there
Better than a good friend
Can rewind and play until your ears bleed and never tire to listen
Sometimes words cut like a sharp knife
Too close for comfort.
No Bryan Adams here with "Cuts like a knife please

So being my therapy and non judgmental best friend
I'm safe in my little world of music and pen
Can't hurt me even when you're shootin' dirty pool
Replacements " Why don't you get a haircut sister"

 Every time I hear my favorite band The Clash
Singing  "should I stay or should I go"
It takes me back to relationships that had huge question marks from day 1!
It played in my head as I tried to decide which Way should I jump.. Milltown Brothers
"stay with me and I'll change things in your life."
Who knew this change would be for the worse

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