Monday, July 13, 2020

Operation Degradation

Ran into a young man today ,he seemed out of sorts
Hey my man what's going on with you?
 Feeling down today" ,he says
I hope your days gets better young man
Yeah ,it's whatever he replied
So the kid isn't a communications major I see

Watched a young gal eating lunch
Not creeper status watching ,observing
She was on the phone with a friend I assume
I listened to a rapid fire of ,ME, I and MY starting each sentence
With no room until the next blast of verbiage came spewing out of the spigot
Vocabulary is not her strong suit,
The biggest word she used was LITERALLY!
As to emphasize her well rounded point of view
I literally counted 8-10 of them in her brief , yet, painful exchange

I stumbled upon a group of 6-7 young adults
22-25 years of age ,dressed casually , neatly coiffed, cool people
Not a care in the world when you're young ,good looking and pretty
Each with faces buried in their cell phones
I would assume that everybody they knew was with them ,who could they possibly be texting or  talking to? The world isn't that big. Especially if you only have 3000 Facebook friends
Then there's the one guy with his ear buds telling them I hate you guys and I'd rather listen to good music!

The arrogance of me to think that these kids should be having a conversation, some sort of
Interaction, debate.
Or that the young gal should work on her vocabulary and omit the word literally
The poor depressed asshole who probably doesn't even know what he is depressed about, but accepts it like having blonde hair

I may never understand it
Just watching the degradation can be painful
Maybe I was the original malcontent
And everybody else was following my lead ?
Nope, my shit's straight ,they all suck

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