Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I knew this man ,his name was Tony
He was a good man , a very giving man
He went to work every day
I was lucky enough to work with him for 3 years

Tony was a very troubled man
Addicted to everything that you can legally buy
Always reeked of Vodka and Model glue
His Tic Toc mints never had a chance to mask it at all

His trip to Vietnam was his Albatross
He wore it poorly and was very disturbed
Yet his goodness glowed from his cloudy days
He shared his stories of the jungle

Shopping trips and pizza runs
My son and I would tag along
Tony would always play his favorite music
And Alter each and every song

The funniest guy I ever knew
His humor was beyond what I had ever heard
He would make up interview shows and play the parts
Paul Dunaway was his favorite character
His rapper show was second to none
Creepy Cougar Kook and Snappy Cat Snap
Lynx Cooly Cool was his last true hit
His affinity for Cats was odd to us

I really miss My Friend these days
He drifted away and didn't see him much
A lonely man with his Bottles of fun
It would catch up to him in the end

He was time bomb ready to snap
He would ask to shoot targets and want to shoot back
PTSD was his other bad friend
Guns and Brass Knuckles were always at arms length

I only saw him lose it once
That was the last time I Brought my son
We eventually saw less of each other
I can never forget my head splitting laughs

I saved your drawings and catchy album covers
Engrained are your tonight show episodes with Paul, Creepy and Snappy
Your talents for the oddly insane
Talents I won't ever forget

The man we called WILMAS, was raised in Wilmington
Was a good man who served his country and failed himself
His country forgot him and maybe I did too
I'm sorry Tony that you died alone

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