Saturday, July 4, 2020

Candy Bar flavored Donuts

Not blessed as a calorie burning Machine
I lust and wonder
where is my chocolate river
Where are the golden donut trees?

The joys of a Snickers bar can be cataclysmic
The guilt from eating a Snickers bar even less so
the greasy domain of an Apple Fritter
Where's the nearest toilet?

Not addicted to drugs or alcohol
just the Bakery, the Candy aisle
So many empty calories, forbidden dreams
Dreams of being fit and thin and healthy

So I forego my personal heroin, my literal meth
For a Salad and fruit that tastes like a Mars bar
In my mind I know it's right.
Like saying No to Carmen Electra 

being a biggie most of my life
I have endured the struggles to eat whats right
Not blaming anything on marketing or bad genes
Bad decisions and paying the price.

Today is upon me
And I'm feeling great
Looking better in a healthier life
each day a victory until I lose!

So I hold my head high and cravings low
educating myself for the things I need to know
So lean and mean I try to be bold
No guilt-free meals since 12 years old

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