Sunday, July 12, 2020

My Apologies

She must have forgotten what she looked like
Her phone an arms length away
She snapped another picture of herself
Lets post the 45th picture of the day
The addiction is like Heroin
Actually worse than Heroin
Heroin makes you feel good for awhile I'm told
A selfie is the constant reaffirming of sameness
Unless you got a facelift this morning
No feeling better , no high or low
How many likes did I get today
The true barometer determined by everybody else

They say positive affirmation is like a dopamine high
I didn't think we could be that simple
Again I'm wrong, sadly very , very wrong
Nothing wrong with a millennial
Other than they truly exist
This Isn't the WW2 generation by any means
Couldn't wipe the greatest generations ass
Although to listen to them
Their worlds are an apocalyptic shit storm
Dodging bullets from a self loaded gun
Depression runs deep, runs rampant

I try to be open minded about it all
I can't, I won't ever understand it
So many opportunities to succeed and shine
Somehow it's more important to be liked

I can't think of anything in my life worthy of praise
But people today want a blowjob because they are at Starbucks
No other place on earth that I want to be
If only I could find a damn Starbucks
Bad coffee, bad vibes and the brand that sponsors your victory parade

Like the circus on a Venmo transaction
"Johnny paid Rebecca" Libations, Bad Ass Party..Woo Hoo!!!!
Like spiking the football on a 1 Yard run, WTF
I'm old ,I know, I'm old fashioned ,I get it
Being raised in a different generation
Doesn't make my understanding of it all any easier
So I forfeit my energy on this one for good

On a lighter note
It is fun to mock them
Like making layups all night long
As long as somebody can take a picture
and Post it somewhere
And nobody will gives a shit!
Night Bitches!..,.Woo Hoo!

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