Friday, July 10, 2020

In Excess

Walking by a store front window
A cookie jar of things I don't need
Driving by the Car Dealerships
A newer model of what I have

Online temptations a keystroke away
Bidding wars are here to stay
A vast huge jungle of buying wants
An endless list of last week's haul

Can't soothe the pain with a new flat screen
Hunger and lust when I've already eaten
Dessert is coming I have some room
So I keep shopping and lose my way

To have and have not
To need and really don't
Addiction to something new
Giving a dog something new to chew

Too much , too soon
Luxuries we have to bare
Things in the garage that I forgot to unwrap
A year from now will be considered trash

Pull up the dumpster and throw it out
Is this really what it's all about
So many need and don't ever obtain
My discards can be used again

Is this really what I'm all about?
Not rich , not poor
Justifying it all by saying
"I work hard,  I deserve it all... No I don't

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