Saturday, July 11, 2020


Cardboard sign at the stop light
"Hungry, Will work for food"
Vietnam Vet, needs a break!
The cars pass by like a freight train
A country has so much to give
But rarely does
And Rarely Cares

A middle aged gal at the gas station asks
"Do you have a few bucks, I ran out of gas"
Where's your car? "she says a mile away"
Do you have a gas can?
She says "no
I give her $2 plus some change and drive away
Filling up my tank with $67 dollars of gas

Who said the world was fair, Or that We should care
Words from Daryl Hall that resonate in my head

Driving to work I pass the bridge
Mass exodus from the riverbank
Like workers at the Ford plant
Shopping carts and plastic bags ,all filled to the brim
Their mobile homes are ready for the day

Ran into a homeless man in a downtown Seattle courtyard
He looked at me like I was approachable, so he did
A strong Black man with movie star looks
And a build that most men train lifetimes to obtain
He says "Hey brother I need your help"
How can I help you?
"I need a few bucks and am really embarrassed to ask you "
Tell You what I said, Tell me your story , how did you get here
He says, I had it all, I lost it all, Alcohol cost me my wife and kids!
He later shared, he was a martial arts trainer to Hollywood studio types
He moved to Seattle because the local police suggested he do so
Got arrested in LA for drunk and disorderly
Kicked the shit out of 4 cops and paid the price
It was a 15 minute story worth a dollar a minute,
Gave him a 20 and shook his hand

Every new city I visit
I speak to the homeless
I ask for a story
And Give them what it's worth
The common denominator is usually alcohol and drugs
Occasionally rebellion from Privileged types
Sadness seeps from emaciated faces and body's
Toothless smiles that are painfully temporary

I don't ever look away from a homeless person
I see myself , my son , my family in each and every one
Compassion and respect is so easy to give
Yet we sometimes look away from our discomfort
So next time somebody tells me" they put themselves there"
How many missing paychecks are you from joining their ranks?

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