Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010, I will miss you!

What a whirlwind of a year 2010 was for the Duran Family, the fact that one year ago today i struggled with getting up out of my bed and out of a chair recovering from a near death Motorcycle accident truly takes me back and helps me to ponder what the new year of 2010 was going to bring. The healing from the accident happened quickly, almost too quickly for the mental aspect of it all, a post traumatic affect triggered many things  from my past and helped in making the new year a tumultuous one to say the least, when i say tumultuous I don't necessarily mean that in a totally bad way. Many things were triggered and brought to the surface and could be linked to the time frame of March through May when Greg was not truly himself, i ventured away from who I was and left many people behind in my wake of uncertainty, but with Gods help and an incredible wife to steer me back into a new Greg and an appreciative soul who can now loom back and say that 2010 was the best year of my life. In this year I have been re-christened with my faith and my belief of being the loving and giving person that i was raised to be through God's help and love. The year also brought about a new way to live and to love my friends and family in a way that was never evident to me in my eyes, never before possible with all of the broken piece of Greg that were in place. Also many many thanks to my Therapist Michael Morales who opened up my thought process to therapy as being a good thing instead of a crazy mans tool of passing the buck. For this i can say My life has been blessed by Michael who truly is an amazing man who I have referred 4 others to see and they all have been helped by his no nonsense way of giving the tools to each and every one of us to succeed. So thank you Michael and thanks to Terria for finding this gem of a man to get us both back where we need to be in our marriage. My family and friends were so very supportive of me and Terria and gave of themselves in a non judgemental way can't say that about certain people who should still be in our corners but that's on them and that's where we can say we can wash our hands of negativity when things are bad , you find out who is true and who is a paper human being and not true to their words of love and admiration. So we bid farewell to the people who think that they are perfect and don't allow people to make mistakes, even if they have no affect on their lives but so easy to pass judgement. Terria and I have moved so far beyond the drama and now are on track to live our days together in true happiness and continually communicate like we always have but now even more so and have used the negativity of yesterday and a stepping stone to eternal love and life together. The joys of 2010 and the growth of experiencing some really cool mini vacations and a trip to Missouri for a proud moment to watch our boy graduate from Army Boot and made us all feel really patriotic and more so as proud parents! We are so blessed as parents and friends and family members to give and share such a string bond of love and respect for the ones we love and the one who love us all back. The New Year will bring growth and happiness for all and knowing my support system will always be there for us. @010 was a great year for re-uniting with Robert Nevarez, Robert Chancey, Mona, Ruth Green and the girls from Happy hour central, Debbie ,Stacy and Co.So nice of a year and feel so blessed to be where i am today. spending New years eve With Tim and April, enjoying good food and family together to ring in the New Year. Thanks to all of my friends and colleagues for making me feel so very special. Thanks To God for bringing my incredible Terria back to me and keeping her in my grips! Love and prayers to all , staying positive for an incredible 2011

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