Saturday, December 11, 2010

Nice Saturday

Up at 8 am and getting ready to meet Tim and April for breakfast at the cafe 126 in Ventura, I imagine we will hit balls after breakfast and give Terria  her inaugural lesson and introduction into the world of Golf. I know she's really excited about it all as am i and really hope she can progress the way she wants to and see increments of success each time out and improve and learn something new about the complexities of the Golf Game and the swing that can be so hard to get near understanding, it never gets mastered just refined enough to not drive you crazy, see the little white ball doesn't go anywhere and sits there mocking the golfer and when you hit it right it feels good and goes far, when you don't it goes crooked and at times can hurt the hands and arms and even the back. So today will be a patient journey into a new realm of discomfort and excitement all in one, the game of Golf is something that must be worked on daily and the successes are celebrated and the failures are ever present. It will be good to be out with my Terria enjoying the company and just another case in point of being together, like we did when we rode sportbikes fast together for all of those years just ending in 2008 for Terria when she had her foot operated on and couldn't shift anymore. So we will enjoy the time together, if she enjoys Golf she will do well, if not we will find something else to do together, as for me I am addicted to Golfing and do really well without ever having lessons, just became a real student of the swing and what works best for me, being a good athlete didn't hurt me either . So terria does have some athletic skills and is strong so we will see what happens . Today is another Great day in Saurusland

1 comment:

  1. My Girl did really well today on the driving Range,very proud of her, next time we shall progress with a little more info and more technical instruction to take the lesson up a notch
