Wednesday, December 22, 2010

WE Bake and watch the rain

It is definitely the hgoliday season, nobody knows how to drive, throw in some serious rain and really we are in a war zone amongst the roads! Just came in to work to do my time card online and saying hey to my girls at work, brought in Mcdonalds and let em at it . so nice to be off from work but really am working more at home than i ever would here. we cleaned the house yesterday and put my ass into a cardiac sweat, i don't even sweat that much at the gym, don't know why but mopping floors is a workout for some stupid reason. We are meeting, Terria and i ythat is at the gym after i leave here and then head home to start baking the cookies that we prepared dough for the other day. i'm really excited about out therapy session tomorrow, We are making another tin of cookies for Michael and he claims to be the original cookie monster so we shall see what kind of monster he is. As for the rest of the day i am going crazy with the anticipation of swinging a golf club again, been 6 days since i have been able to hit a real golf ball but it will happen tomorrow, we are supposed to get sunshine and get out in the sunshine and play 18 with Tim and his family, so really happy about that. Well need to input my time and head over to Bally's to meet Terria Dactyl and sweat some more before we get the Saurus Kitchen back in high heat again, Brandon made Caramels last night and is making butter toffee so we are in full Bake mode...til later I'm out!

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