Sunday, December 26, 2010

Week One of Vacation Almost Over

Christmas is in the rear view and up ahead we see New years coming up quickly. Had a lazy day after waking up at 1021 this morning and really struggled with getting the day up and started. Once we did make it up were able to get to the gym for an hour workout and a trip to the driving range where we each hit a bucket of 100 balls apiece and felt pretty good doing so. Terria is really progressing rapidly in her form and function , doing really well and i am very proud of her for trying so hard to get better each trip. we worked on putting after hitting the balls and she picked that up rather quickly, hands and body positioning and a still lower trunk for putting so counter intuitive to the regular golf swing but she putt around 50 balls and did fine. so we are home and waiting for Tim and April, heading to dinner tonight in Camarillo and should be a real good night, after that we are meeting Brandon and the cousins at the Golden China for Karaoke, we have made that somewhat of a tradition for Brandon's birthday to go there and watch people sing poorly, I never sing and refuse to actually, i sing in the car with Terria and that's my limit for sure. so off to the Shower to ready for the night! Good Times!

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