Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Feeling a Little Drab today

Truly Lacking any motivation today at ll, the weather being dreary and cold might have soemething to do with that I suppose. Spent a very lackluster evening essentially solo in the TV room, rewad my book a little and then went to bed  at around 1025, early for me but fel the need to call it a night. well I shouldn't say spent time in the TV room alone, terria was there and she was practicing her swing and reading her new how to book  and asking the occasional question. Kind of a weird night either  way, Terria and Brandon made cinnamon hard candy and Brandon made more caramels and i was not really watching anything on the tube, even took a day off fro the gym yesterday , this would be 4 days off in the past month which is a 6 month period for me usually. So I need to re-evaluate my workout s because i almost hate going to the gym now and  find myself fighting to go after work, the gym here at work is a bummer and all of the equipment is really tightly packed together and the people there are all military with something to prove it seems. But it will come back to me and get back in the saddle and take it more seriously, must be the holidays season that has me with little to no desire to get out and do anything but Golf. But enough complaining about shit, the life i have is incredible and venting really helps me to reclaim the reality of things and to appreciate all it has to offer. There are days when I truly feel i don't deserve this and other days when i thin i deserve more, whatever the case may be i am a very lucky dude with so much around him and so many great things to be thankful for . My Health, my family and most of all my precious faith in God to steer me from the negativity that freely flows outside my doors! Hoping that a trip to Bally's with terria tonight will rejuventate my gym efforts and i know i cannot hit golf balls today as i am a sore dude for hitting too many on consecutive days. We do have a golf date set up with Tim and his family on the 23rd at buenaVentura at 8 am so that will be cool to see some of Tim's Family out there that i only see around the holidays! I am flying solo in the office right now, the girls went to the Exchange to get my movie despicable Me on DVD and i am so looking forward to watching that tonight for the third time, i love baby Agnes she is so damn adorable and a living doll in an imaginary way. I will take lunch at 12 today and don't know what is on tap for me as of right now? so the day will fly by the second half of the day I'm sure, i am trying to see if i can take a second week off from work at the end of this year , if I don't I will be off 10 days, come back for 3 and then be off 4 days so not making too much sense to do that , I'd rather just be off the 2 weeks and only be charged 6 days of leave, sounds like a good deal to me i think but will see if we have enough coverage for the holidays, if not I'm ok with the schedule the way it sits! I was just handed my copy of "Despicable Me" Yeay!!!!!

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