Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December and the holidays of Life

A new Month is finally upon us and December officially ring in the holiday season for yours truly. I keep beating this Horse to death but i take myself back a year and remember the accident and the fact that i was still in the hospital trying not to bleed to death, terria and the family by my side and just wanting to come home and recuperate in the comforts of my own home. Well that would finally happen come on the 5th of December and all seemed to be on the mend. 23 days later i would be back at work trying to get through the days without falling asleep and fighting the entire day. throughout this whole time i was not on twitter or facebook and didn't even turn my phone on until late December. so this time of year really gives me a sense of appreciation for i know where i was last year and the condition that i was in was very scary to say the least, very trying time for the family and i was there just absorbing the pains that i inflicted. I was just talking to Terria about the fact that I prayed efveryday for the Lord to take care of my family and never to heal me or to make things easier for me, at that tome i knew my christian faith was in the right place and the life that i would see the new year would be a great one, and it was , a few hiccups and a few mild if not turbulent storms that i created but the weather man was kind and we are enjoying the sunshine each and everyday from here on out. Yes, December rings in the joys of the holiday where love of family ,friends and the  Lord are celebrated with the ones we love and the ones who love us! Christmas at the holidays for us has always meant family, friends and the cheer of a very low key christmas season, we don't do the tree or the lights in my house, that to me is not what christmas means to me, i know the term Bah humbug always gets thrown my way but if you weren't in my house to see the lack of festivities via decorations than you would never know it, i do love the holidays  true intended meanings, the gifts and fanfare are not for me, but the togetherness that it brings is what truly moves me. we have no little kids around so we treat it like another day in the duran household and each day is celebrated with the love that usually gets celebrated around the holidays , but everyday for us, never wavering always a festive season emotionally, that is what the accident has brought me, the love and awareness to know that we can lose it all today and each day above ground is not only a blessing, but an opportunity to make a difference in somebody's life and world, for this i hope I have and can make a difference in this world by the love and kindness I have been blessed to give on a daily basis. all of my gifts are repredsented by the man upstairs and has given me the opportunity to be different and yet very conventional in the giving aspect of my life. We have things that happen in our lives, to us , around us , sickness in family and friends yet to date we are blessed with health and the second chances to make amends when we make wrongs, the ability to improve upon thins that were never broken and to enjoy the things that money can never buy.. love and happiness amongst all that we come into contact with on a daily basis. I truly feel that I have been been installed around here to bring a certain something, a calm when it needs to be calm and a storm to shake things up,for this I just say i gotta be me and the filters that so easily get wiped away from myb thought process are being dealt with as well in the forms of therapy and counsel, but this is a great time to be alive whether or not i agree with the shit going on in our world ,the political dogshit republican party  or the sarah Fucking Palins of this world the Paper christians who really don't get the meanoing of being a good christian means you must forst ,be a good person??? But the fact that we are here and are well shows us a great resolve in that we are here to make a difference where we can, know when we cant and learn to fight lifes battles as they come, some of which we walk away from when we know the gains aren't worth the effort. more later , for now i have been tasked to make breakfast for the office 

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