Saturday, December 25, 2010

Another Christmas in the Books

We made it through Christmas day, great food and family all in attendance and grubbed some serious food and side dishes. The gifts and cards were everywhere and seemed like a mountain of stuff on the floor under the tree. Aprils house in full Christmas regalia as Tim runs through the House with his plethora of Santa Hats and Holiday cheer, he;s the biggest child in the room and really gets into the season with his antics and good cheer. We ate and opened presents, relaxed a little and then celebrated Brandons 25th birthday with the cake we made and damn thing was a deadly treat, very nice and My sister Erlinda made an album based on Brandon's younger years and some really good pictures of my boy when he was a baby and in diapers, it made me tear up and try to hide my emotions but it was clear to see that I was very touched by my sister's very nice gift to my boy. The pictures brought back alot of good memories and also some really sad ones about his mother and i and how my Boy has dealt with her inabilities as a mother to give him love and and care for her boy as a mother should, but it was a really great day that started at 830 this morning with some really good good Breakfast burritos  with sausage and chorizo, potatoes and eggs wrapped in king sized tortillas and made some really great tasting Burritos, enjoyed having Tim and April over and then we headed back to their house for the day that ensued with the aforementioned activities . Another year of goodness nearly behind us all, yet we are very grounded in knowing that the life we enjoy today can be changed tomorrow by life's real time cruelties and realities, so we adapt and overcome and deal with today and tomorrow and hope to continue to get better, stronger, wiser and happier every single day.   expectations are high and my expectations for others in my life are equally as high and i know My sweetie is as good as it gets, we as parents are never off duty and always ready for the call from our boys if they need us and will always be there for them and each other !I really enjoyed the family today and can reflect upon where i was last year and thanking god for bringing my world and my life back to a better place and a better future and knowing full well that I have grown so much with Terria and have accepted her goodness and can now relish the feeling of being the luckiest and  happiest man in the world instead of fighting the worthiness issues of days past. We are going to call this Christmas night officially over, I'm going to bed and doing a little reading before i turn out the lights until tomorrow come

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