Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Still wet in So Cal

Today brought more rain in the area, 5th day of rain and no sunshine for 6 days . Did some preparations of cookie dough for the next dew days and Terria made Biscotti's which turned out perfectly again! Did very little today, took Terria's car in for service and then to Breakfast and essentially that was our day, not too exciting but it is vacation time and I am so glad to be here doing nothing instead of feeling like shit recovering this time last year, so it is a good thing and the rain is a much needed thing here in the area and I don't have shit to complain about. My only hope is that we don't get too much rain in the area that will affect the Rich fuckers in the hills after the fires from last year, mudslides and erosion can become a problem but I suppose it is out of our hands at this point. I  don't truly know what we have on tap for tomorrow, whatever it is I'm staying away from the malls and the busy streets,especially in the rain where Socalians have no damn idea how to drive in inclement weather. When we were in Seattle this Summer, it rained a little and every other time I was in Seattle people always drove really well and had no issues with the rain, unlike us who never get the rain and when we do panic and really spaz out about wet roads. So whatever the case may be we are enjoying the time off this Christmas holiday season and look towards some nice family time over the next week or so, hoping that Brad makes it up from Baja to hang with us for a little and make us all laugh a little. So enough for tonight, trying to get back into my book, just finished Ping creator Karsten Solheims book and will get back into "the Gun",the history of the AK-47 really interesting story of the most available and the gun responsible for more deaths in the history of man. Over 100 million in circulation and that's a low estimate so the availability of this gun is readily!!!! Oh well don't blame the guns rights, blame the people who carry them! Good Night!

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