Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Me and My "BITCH" session

Just cruised over to Facebook for a look over the fence and really wonder i why i even bother anymore, what a pool of nothingness that place has become. I don't really post anymore and only respond to friends when they post something but have no real time or desire to implant my wisdom on that site anymore, moreso ,i save my efforts for this place. my home away from home that follows me wherever I go and never questions what i do, who i am or what the fuck is wrong with me! just goes along and allows me to be me and that's what i do best, being Me, as fucked up as that can be at times I am good with it all. Not too much happening here at work, reading and watching how Obama is selling out to the republicans and allowing the tax cuts for the rich to continue on and in the end be a 4 trillion dollar bill to add to the already high deficit, trying to play nice with the Republicans is ok, but when you compromise the future of the country to appease those which we know now run this country it's really sad, he went on his campaign with the Change idea, well nothing has changed but the poverty levels and the out of work numbers  which aren't his fault  but this tax think really is irking even his own party of Democrats and many people like myself who don't really get involved in the fray but to see the obvious mistakes being made here are very troublesome to say the least. so enough fucking Politics, they go on whether i think about them or vote ,or don't vote, this country is in a world of hurt and when people like the Kardashians and Jessica Simpson and Sarah Palin are all multi millionaires with no talents or skills to speak of other than being whores than i guess we are one step closer to becoming a 3rd world country. I am so sick of the garbage that we as Americans must tolerate , first off with our TV and the social lack of intelligence when it comes to common sense anymore. the Schools are so under funded that the Prison Fucking system has a higher ratio of dollar spent per person than the schools do and With the cuts to the schools, the Prisons keep on keeping on and see no cuts at all and get better medical care than half of Americans and get fed 3 times daily , not all working people can make that claim, how retarded is that in our society where the Criminals well being takes precedence over the future of our country, the children and our schools??? This is turning into a real bitch session and i don't like that too much but the truth of it all is that we are breaking down as a country , a society and as people to lowest common denominator when we compromise our lives and our standards to appease the rights of those who should have no rights, don't get me started on Immigration either that's a sore subject with me as well and we spend way too much money and time and effort debating that fucking debacle,America, the entitlement country,fuck that , we can't even take care of our own and now we have to take care of an another countries problem's, then these people fly around town with their Viva Mexico and their Michuacan stickers and flags on their cars as if that is the greatest place on earth, yet this wonderfully fucked up country that they salute cannot even support their families and or put food on their tables so they must invade ours to make it all happen. I'm sure if we were in the same predicament we would do whatever it takes to survive and feed out families but at what point do we not make Mexico accountable for the high cost of guarding our borders and deporting and having illegals on federal and state programs helping to feed their families with our tax dollars?? i'm confused here and maybe am not smart enough to understand the dynamics of the countries immigration policies or the political and humanistic demands thrust upon our government, but i do see this country's future as a grim existence and i do see where the working man gets penalized for working, so many on welfare and so much abuse of a system that was designed a s temporary fix. Now welfare recipients should be held accountable to assist us  since we have assisted them , why not take these welfare families and utilize whatever skills they have to work them at schools, stores , as daycare providers to help pay back those who have supported the working class people, the rich are taken care of already with their wealth and the now famous tax breaks. I'm sure somebody would view this as inhumane to make people work what what they get , WOW! kinda like you and i going to work everyday, but they would call it slavery, we call it earning your keep and the debate would go on forever,I want this country that so many fought so hard and still fight for our freedoms, yet we have lost the plot and lost sight of the big picture of what we were founded on. the hands are seemingly always out for the freebie and i am tiring of it already. Who knows , maybe i need a switch of venue, Maybe terria and i should buy that house in Glendale AZ and start anew with A different set of issues and 120 degree summers, Terria would take a 25k paycut as would i but the housing is cheap and dollar for dollar would be cheaper to live there. Seems like we are always dust in the wind anymore, hey a song by Kansas is thrown in!!! But the truth be told , we have one life to live and really much search to find that inner peace, be it here or somewhere else there is always more than a dozen ways to skin a cat, not unhappy here, just the person who questions everything and wonders if there is a golden rainbow somewhere else in this world!!!!For now i have spewed too much ,bitch Session officially over!

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