Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Song, A thought, and the Gift!

Just ported my phone at my desk here at work and threw it on shuffle, This song comes on! What a great love song this is I swear!, this aint no Barry white Fuck you in the ass shit either, just a great slow love song!the opening stanza of my favoirite love song of all time.

It's late at night and we're all alone,
just the music on the radio
no one's coming
no ones got a telephone
just me and you and the lights down low
now we're slow dancin ,swayin to the music
slow dancin just me and my girl
slow dancin swayin to the music
no one else in the whole wide world- Johnny Rivers, "Slow Dancin"

Ok now that i have my pants on again and have wiped myself off I am so ready for the day and for it to be over and srat my 17 days of vacation to be coinciding with Terria's vacation from school so it looks like a great time is ahead of us this holiday season. today should be an easy day for us all , we have out office party today and tons of food and desserts, i made shortbread cookies with chocolate Ganache on top with almonds inside the ganache covering the tops of the shortbread cooking ,i call them shortbread turtles and they are by far the best cookies i have ever made to date. Tomorrow i will get in some golf somewhere somehow and then not really have any plans , maybe clean u the house a little, get the lawn squared away and then relax and find another book to read or something relaxing to do besides golf and the gym. spending plenty of time with Tim and April this holiday , my brother Richard has his wife's brothers and sisters down for the holidays for the first time in years so he will be in heaven with all of Susan's family  and would love to see them all again, such and incredible family they are. Hope to see my nephews and nieces on both sides and really am just looking forward to enjoying this season as last year i was still in recovery and ugly mode, this is a joyous and great time of the year for us all and to express my Christianity and faith in God without being over bearing and becoming that bible thumper which as most know i truly despise. So as far as I'm concerned the holiday season has already started and I'm in shutdown mode and just want to love everything that comes my way and hug the world today for it is a great time of the year and so many people are in good places this year and  feel like the world is revolving on it's proper axis. So i leave the morning with a happy thought, I have learned that the gift of giving is a wonderful thing, I've finally learned the opposite end of that gift is to be able and willing to receive and to cherish that which is given with so much love and adoration and not diminish the gifts by making the the giver feel that it pains me so much to be given so much unconditional love and admiration1 i know i would be devastated if Terria would not allow me to give and to do things from the heart, so i therefore open up my soul and heart to give and to receive and to never falter again by not allowing each other to be the loving, giving  souls that we were born to be. Great times and an amazing life we have shared together 

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