Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend of living!,Loving , and being Happy

A really extraordinary weekend in Arizona,perfect weather and a really good time at the football game. Had  quite the short trip but made every second count and truly enjoyed the conversations and the laughter that i shared with my wife all weekend long. The game was a good chance to get away and be at a place that we both love and adore, the fact that we were there together made it even more incredible. We toured a few of the Baseball training facilities and went to the dodgers facility in Glendale Az and she was amazed at the manicured fields all year round. I plan on going again this year for 3-4 days wit Brother and brother in law and hope to see as many games and practices as we can, i actuality enjoy watching the drills and the hitting  more than the games, playing Baseball and knowing how hard the hardest single thing to do in sports, to hit a baseball solid, what they say is true, trying to hit a round ball with a round bat ,squarely is truly an amazing feat when done properly. After the dodger camp we went across the street to loom at some new properties oddly enough called Camelback and we toured 4 different models, looking at maybe a rental home or a vacation property for spring training and cardinals football, not to mention the world class golf that is in the area. so yeah seruiously looking at this to see what the options could be, if nothing else a tax write off and a place to stay eventually. The newest venture on the pike here is terria, and her affection for golf, she says she wants to learn how to play and wants clubs for Christmas, instead of an apple ipad and anything else, been bidding on ebay and losing on ebay for her clubs and Will take her to golf smith after the gym tonight, which is conveniently next door to Bally's !Now that the holiday season is truly here we are bombarded with the traffic and the bad drivers and stupid people who invade our territory. People actually fighting for a spot to park and anger sets in this time of year when it should be a joyful time with love in the heart???? But human nature always wins in the wars of  humanity and the selfless acts of the previous 11 months of the year go out the window. So we will try to do our limited outside Christmas shopping to a minimum this year, everything else will be done online and that is the way i've done it for years not very personal, but the idea of me kicking the shit out of some dumbass who gets in my face about a parking spot or the last fucking Furbee aint worth it to me. So tonight we look at clubs for T, come home and make a great dinner of something healthy and carry on with our Monday as usual, 7-8,I watch 2 1/2 men  and the  at 9 i watch the new episode on CBS. Other than that i am thrilled that the Ducks are doing well and that they play auburn and Cam Newton in what should be the best championship game ever, i like the ducks in this game and they will rise to the occasion i feel it inside. so to all a very Happy Monday and a very cautious and safe Holiday season, drinking and driving everywhere and not too happy about the reprocutions of that at all. but we hope and pray that the holiday seasons bring the goodness intended to all and that the new year be as prosperous as the previous, maybe even a little better! God bless!!


  1. Happy Birthday to me...thank you my LOVE for an incredible birthday weekend! Had a great time of love, laughter, and happiness with some Larry and cotton candy all thrown into one GRAND celebration!!! Now off to the links ;0

  2. Goddamn thats funny! look forward to the opp to play Golf with you My Dear!
