Monday, December 13, 2010


So sorry To rudy for not being able to get this Picture to rotate properly but after numerous attempts and a computer ready to take a dump on me. But regardless a nice tribute to my friend and coworker Rudy romero who made me laugh and on his final cry like a baby after he was gone. i remmeber Terria and i going to UCLA medical center to visit him when he was being trated for his Leukemia, We rode up there on the motorcycles and were really escited ,yet dsurprised to see a thin and bald rudy with his wife and family all around him. He made it throug another 8 months and therapy and treatments were going well , he died form complication due to Pneumonia and the Radiatioin killed all of his good cells to fight the  rest, so he was a lofving , funny guy who loved his family and his grand boy Anthony, rudy umpired softball games for years and his Grandson is now umpiring in his Grandfathers honor at the age of 14! We all miss the personality and man we called rudy Romero, he never cared what people thought  and would say whatever he ewanted at anytime , no filter, sounds all too familiar to me and how i remember the golf outings and hoiw when he hit a good shot he would glow, when he hit a bad one he would glow even brighter. we all loved the character at work, he was a innovative guy who pulled shit out of his ass and usually was pretty accurate at it. I rememebr the numerous occations when we would do inspections, he would fail the tenant and charge them for whatever they damaged and would without hesitation come up with a figure of $283.64, yeah $283.64, It took everything i had not to laugh becuase there is no such figure, all of our service charges were even figures like 50 ,125, 225 , there was never any change at the end but rudy would come up with fees that didn't exist, he even created the handling and processing fee, he would charge labor hours and add them on for the time it took him to do the paperwork, thats where he says he came up with the dollars and cents amount! we all laughed and of course he would have to change the amounts to reflect the true amounts but he did everything for humors sake. Loved Rudy and think about him all of the time! I was blessed to meet rudy when i was an 11 year old playing little League, we played against his brothe ralex and we were rivals growing up, Rudy was 20 at the time and i do recall after a tough loss to his brothers team in the championship game i was pissing and moaning and throwintg my glove and just being an ass about the defeat. Rudy whom i didn't know came up to me and put his arm around me and told me " Hey man, it's ok, you played a great game and you're a great player, you need to calm down and enjoy these times, this should be fun for you" as i got older and his brother and i played on the same teams and went to the same High school and played football at Rio with him, his brother and i became closer, rudy was a good man who always had time to listen to a kid, we ended up working together in Housing in 1995 , we then grew really close and spent alot of time enjoying the days at work and the happy hours at times. The good old days, just reminds me how we must enjoy life everyday and we could all be gone tomorrow. Thinking of my friend Rudy today...again, hoping that he rest in peace today!  

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