Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Leather

Baseball being my biggest passion can be not easily missed when entering my TV room. On top of the table sit my 7 favorite gloves that I have collected over the years. I know I'm missing 3 others that are in the garage somewhere but will add them as well. Feeling like a kid with all of these gloves and should share the wealth but at over 150 a glove , I'd better hang onto them I think. so my passion still lives on as I toss the ball into each glove , one after another changing gloves over and over again, a nervous twitch , or a childish passion, either way it's what I do and have for as long as I can remember being able to slip a glove on the hand. So for my 3 missing in action Gloves, I will find you and proudly display you along with the rest . Terria has a field day with me as we watches me play my ball and glove switch over and over..hahaha!

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