Friday, December 17, 2010

What a Great surprise!

So Braz and Nikki show up to Terria's School this morning, Terria gets the call from the office that she is needed in the office "NOW" she shows up and heads into the principles office and lo and behold, our Boy Braz and his wife nikki noodles are in the office and surprised us all with a visit to California from the base in Honolulu Hawaii! Terria apparently screamed and cried and screamed some more and wept like a baby and Calls me immediately to tell me that somebody wanted to talk to me in her calm voice, she puts Braz on the phone and I say , like a dumbass, hey , are you in shit right!! He says yes and i say hell yes son, are we meeting for lunch in Santa Paula today, he said sure and we met at the Irish pub in Santa Paula for a good lunch and a really good meeting with our boy and our daughter in Law. What a great Christmas gift and a really cool surprise to see our kids home for the holidays, they were originally denied leave over Christmas but then the order was changed and they figured that they would surprise us with a visit, they sure did and this is so nice and such a great gift to give momma for the holidays. the family will all be together again and that's what the season is all about, Love and spending time with the ones that we love and those who love us back. what a great holiday this will be for mom and dad, to see the kids interact as they have for the past 18 seasons is now complete. Even though terria is going to see them before they head out to Afghanistan in middle March, this is a truly great gift for us all. thanks God for giving us the gift of love and family and the faith to understand where it all comes from... You!!! What a great day it is and i am so happy right now. Prayers to all those who are not with their families this Christmas and to our troops in harms ways. Happy Holidays and merry Christmas to all of my Friends and family who know how much this season means to terria and I, it has been a very long progression of healing from the Accident this time last year to the subsequent mistakes that followed in the spring time! but we are here and it is now and we have pulled and tugged on our strengths through our God and have forged ahead as bigger, better and stronger people as a result of our trial and tribulations over the past 12 months. having our Kids home unexpectedly is the best gift ever, the family is whole and we will celebrate and commemorate our gifts from our Lord Jesus Christ. thanks family and friends for being with us every step of the way and again... the man upstairs for showing us the way! Good times !!!!


  1. <3
    That's awesome! So glad they could come home!

  2. O'Husband,
    Thank you for sharing in my joy and happiness! We are so blessed in all areas of our lives. This truly is a wonderful time of year filled with love and God's blessings. Much love to ALL!!!
