Wednesday, December 15, 2010

As Deserving as a Person can Be

A very Very Good morning, thank you terria for the awesome love that you give and give and give!!!Terria dd bring up some good point about a recent writing of mine from yesterday as a matter of fact and simply asked me "you wrote about at times you feel you are undeserving of the goodness and  at times also feel that you think you deserve more" I answered it the best way i knew how, Its when I feel grounded when I reach the point of feelignentitled and feel like there is more for me that i have yet to tap and explore! This very point is my achilles heel and was alway the point where I would go into a different dimension and as my friend Brad Holland would always say" Greg is the guy who is full and has a full plate yet still going back to the buffet line to add more to an already savory and full plate. Yes my greed and lack of focus and appreciation , be it a glimmer and a brief moment is when i know i am grounded, to be able to catch myself and realize that the bottom of the barrell is in my head and to quit scraping from that barrell and get back to the surface of reality. I hopefully answered my wife's question and didn't further complicate an already difficult persona that Isn't always easy to comprehend, hell I don't understand alot of the things I say or do so how could i expect others to be onboard a ship that really never sails in the right direction, and by that i mean, never goes according to protocol and the "norm". so all things being equal i am in a very god place emotionally and spiritually these day , just am being me and venturung beyond my comfort zone at times with the thought process and deep sea thinking that only I can never drown myself upon! so with that being said i  forge onward in my wednesday morning workday and hope the rest of the week for me goes quickly, well the last day for possible 2 1/2 weeks, I'm going to run it by Pete and see what he says, my coworker was scheduled to take the last week of December off and i am taking the prior week off , she cancelled her trip and doesnt need but 2 days of that week and meaning i could take the 3 days i was scheduled to work off and thus get 17 days off for 8 days of leave which i have 50 hours of use or lose anyway. so should be good, good times ad good day ahead definitely

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