Thursday, December 23, 2010

Noon and Nothing Done Yet

It's 12 noon and I'm not out of the house yet, headed to Bally's with Terria and then headed to the base to hit Golf balls, the courses are too wet to really play the right way but we can hit balls off the mats at the driving range instead. Cannot believe I sat around for 3 hours doing nothing but be lazy since i awoke at 9 am and just lazied my ass off for the past 3 hours. Well it is time to motivate andn get tom the gym and get rid of this funk and blurriness that i feel . Brandon cleaned out the garage and made room for our hitting net , we can hit Baseballs from a tee or play soft toss, but also can turn it into a driving range and hit golf balls into it as well, really cool Christmas gift for all of us, Brandon was in there last night hitting and I took some hacks in there yesterday as well with both the bat and the club, still got my swing down and have never hit  a ball off a tee before  yesterday, felt really strange but probably the closest thing to golf going since the ball is just sitting there like a Golf Ball. well I am of to Bally's and then the Base with Terria Dactly or  as my friend Rudy used to say"Pteradactly" Hoping the Sun coninues to shine brightly on us today tomorrow and for the rest of our days, If not it sure feels like it !!

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