Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Good Place To Be!

Been a few days since I last wrote , been a tad busy with doing a very little of anything, truly a nice change of pace for me where standing still generally gets me antsy and a little frustrated. But oddly enough , the past 9 days have allowed me a chance to regain a bit of the strength and discipline that I thought I had lost. Very strange to be sitting here not working and enjoying doing nothing but hanging with my wife and doing whatever i want to do. With the impending rains coming again this evening to Southern California the golf Game will be on hold again but I will utilize the garage Hitting net to get my swings in so all is not lost. We have News Years Eve plans at Aprils and Tim's house , play games and make some nice food, Me and Terria have started on 26 December eating right and continuing the diligence with the gym and getting into better shape, this will happen this year and The gym is the easy part, being a good cook is the harder part of it all but all do-able things that will get done. Tomorrow brings an EKG for me and the upcoming knee surgery on , gotta make sure the ticker is good and will sustain being put under and operated upon, can't imagine any hidden horrors, since I worked out forever and been active all of my life , at every other turn ,even at the Hospital last year the heart was very healthy and strong so just a formality. The knee surgery on 14 January will be a big relief, then shortly after that I think I would like to get the other knee done and start really getting more active with running and playing Tennis and doing things that my knees have not allowed me to do. So this is a good thing to start the healing process, just the mere simplicity of it all will be a good thing for me and i look totally forward to it and the freedoms of being totally mobile again. All is well with the family The boys are still young and at times foolish but all part of the growing experience and will be great in time with more life under their belt and the knowledge that life can bring us all as we live and hopefully learn the Do's and Don't of living and of life period! Thanking God for allowing me to be wise enough to know more today than yesterday and have more personal resources to fix myself and be aware of thing that could be detrimental if not dealt with properly, God knows I have made so many mistakes, as a bother, and son, Father and Husband but with each travesty has given me a sense of accomplishment, through my failures i have succeeded on the other end and made the best of bad situations, life is truly a winnable affair if you allow yourself to be open to better ways to solve life's issues. my closed minded approach would at time get me into trouble, as well as my open minded free way of doing things, the happy Medium is generally a stranger to my soul but as i have progressed in age I have worked at better ways to live and solve and accomplish things. A quote from an old golfer Gary Player  who once responded to a player who commented on a great shot he made, Player made an incredibly difficult shot and his partner shouted out" Damn you are a lucky SOB, Player responded," The more I practice, the luckier I get" which kind of goes hand in hand with my approach to life and living, if you work at things and are cognizant of the work needed to be put in , then you have an advantage already, very much like Player and his lucky Golf shots which are merely skillfully done with practice and time put in to get better, i have done so in life and plan and being lucky like Gary Player, only I realize that the efforts put in allow me a certain advantage to get things done and luck has nothing to do with it, it's preparedness and the awareness to take care of your life and your self all in one swoop. So i [re[are for the rest of my life with one eye open and one the other peering around the next corner for the next big deal to be dealt with. So all is Good with the Saurus and I will call it a night and write more soon!

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