Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Road to Utopia, ok....Arizona

Hour 5 of the 6 hour drive to Glendale Az and what an ugly day it is. Terria at the wheel and this iPhone sizzle to type on but that's alright its good in other areas so whatever. Can't wait ti get to the room and shower and relax a bit our room has a kitchenettes so we will have a choice about dinner tonight. Wonder what kind of Parry Branson will have tonight while were gone? He will be fine with the house that much I know so still roadwaed towards Glendale and seems like we should ne there by now as it feels like I've been typing 3 days so I gotta get used t this thing and quick otherwise Terria gets it and I get the Blackberry back awaiting to get back on my Mac air in the room. Good day for now and hoPefully get some go of AZ game pictures tomorrow. More later


  1. here and doing well !a kitchenette,with cooktop and full refrigerator means we are going to buy food and eat in for dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow...really nice area around all of the Spring training facilities that we will be visiting in March 2011. Very cool ,looking forward to my Rams doing well tomorrow and spending a great day with my wonderful Honey!

  2. ooops! meant to say looking forward to my Cardinals doing well tomorrow ;-)

  3. Damn! no more Rockstars for you, they make you delusional to say the least...shhheeeeee-it already girlie
