Monday, December 13, 2010

My weekend and an old Friend

I skipped yesterday from writing altogether and felt weird in doing so, The day was full of a lot of things that kep t us very busy! Yesterday was really cool, we got up at 8 -ish went to the driving range for installation 2 of Terrias Golf Lesson and indoctrination to golf for my wife. On her first Day Saturday she did very well, making good contact and essentially doing what her body told her to do, making small adjustments and feeling the goodness of a well hit ball. Day 2 i added a few new wrinkles in to her swing, small slow increments so that I don't overload and lose her altogether. She did great and hit some nice balls, the more she swings the more flewxibilkity i can see , she will do really well and is doing well now with her progress. It was so nice to see the smile on her face when she hit a soilid one, and also very cute to see her dropping F-bombs on a mishit! We finished up with golf and came home and made lunch and sat around and talked of her golf experiences so far . WE all had some baking to do and she went to the store to pick up a few items for the baking  ,came back and we made nutmeg balls, shortbread with ganache, pistachio chip cookies and some really good caramels. I baked a Lemon Tart cake for my co worker angies birthday and brought that in and it sits on her desk wait for her to come in, she loves my chocloate cakes but Lemon is her favorite so i hooked her up with a really damn good lemon cake with real butter cream frosting and cocnut drizzled on the sides, the center and top are lemon filled and really tasty. So after we finished baking last night the power goes out,  at 630 pm, didn't com back on til 4 am and the Edison company was on the pole all night long doing their thing , really awesome, of course the dogs were excited and barked all night so sleep was at a premium but all was well, thankfully we finished the cookies and the cake and all was done , our dinner of baked potatoes and chili  were barely done when the power went out and we ate by candle light, not for romantic reasons but for sheer necessity to see where the plates we were eating from. Yes, the weekend was a blur and I was really busy doing cool stuff, we saw Tim and ape on Saturday, exchanged my old set of clubs and let hi try them out and even took my old set of pings out of the garage and cleaned them up  while using a flashlight to see and brought back old memories for me of golfing with my Deceased friend and co-worker Rudy who went with me in 1999 to get fitted for those clubs and used them through 2008 and have since bought 2 new sets of clubs in 2 years, now using the latest and greatest Ping G-15. but something about my first set of fitted clubs, and the memories of my old Friend Rudy are somehow engrained in my head. i still have a picture of Rudy at my desk and think about him all of the time, next to his picture i also have the memorial card from the the funeral home, weird but i do. Well it is a typical monday not everybody here today, and some running later than they should be, some are in class today and some just aren't going to make it which means i get more up front time to cover the front desk and phone which is cool and i enjoy interacting with my customers, it's what i do so well and enjoy that aspect of it! So Monday is here and I am looking forward to This thursday and the 10 days that follow of freetime to do whatever we want to do, terria has 2 weeks off after this week and we will do some golfing, some  shopping and some general love time that we always do! Here's to a great week and an even better holiday season. Life is good!

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