Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pearl Harbor

A day to remember for all of us, although it happened long before i was born it did impact my family, after they bombed pearl harbor the Japanese invaded the Phillipine Islands where my dad was stationed and serving, the had to surrender there, after they fought til they couldn't fight anymore and ran out of supplies to hold off the japanese onslaught. My dad then was taken POW for 3 1/2 years and came back a changed and bitter man, left to suffer through torture and through a Govt. that made them sign papers that said they were not tortured and mal nourished, all lies but our Govt was as corrupt then as it is now. So he comes home and gets half ass care and cant even get service connected disabilities , they gave him 300 bucks a month for his service and he had ,back, troubles and phycological issues as a result, he came out of POW camp at 87 pounds, 87 mother fucking pounds and he was one of the stronger ones. This always gets my ass hot when i see hwere weas Americans treat our heroes past and present like shit, yet we payed reparations to the Japanese interned during WW2 to the tune of 30k per person, yes it was wrong to hold thenm hostage but they were well fed and not beaten daily and did not have to work in the coal mines for 15 hours a day like my dad and his troops did. So i feel no remorse when we dropped the bomb and xerox copied these mother fuckers, yes innocent people were killed but my dad was innocent as well and was let down by the country he loved so much. I send out my love and admiration to all of those people who died at Pearl Harbor and to those who died in that war, and to the past and current soldiers who have devoted their lives for our country ad the freedoms that we all share because of that freedom that they help preserve. today is an Anniversary that we will never forget and hope that we can use this a s a spring board to better ways of doing business for all Americans!

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