Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Terria Lynn

Today marks the 13th birthday celebration for me with Terria, not our anniversary but been with her for 13 birthdays and today is her 46th. Seems a little uninspired by it all as do i generally for my own birthdays. So here i sit wondering what we will do tonight, she doesn't want to go out for her dinner , she wants to stay home, no family or friends and I'm doing whatever she wants me to do. so assuming that i will cook something for dinner tonight, either scallops or some really good seafood of some sort, since she can't eat red meat anymore I am stuck with chicken or seafood dishes for her and actually prefer cooking those types of dishes as they allow for a certain level of creativity that i enjoy. so As i contemplate the menu for this evening I am trying to see where I can buy the goods for the meal tonight, i will give the cursory cal to My wife and ask for any special requests, and then when she says Surprise me, i will go into my creative mode and think of something really good for the occasion.  Really funny how she is the only woman i have ever been with that downplayed her birthdays and never truly wanted large gatherings and a whole lotta fanfare to accompany her Birthdays. Be as it may I am so very happy that we can celebrate it together and whatever we do is the least important thing in the equation but doing the day and night as one is where we are in life, so good and so proud of the work we have done to get where we are. I know that I am at times very complex and harder to understand, even more so as i get older, my requirements and thresholds are so much different that ever before.  But having Terria as my companion is a real asset in that i can lean upon and run things through her and she never wavers in her honesty and articulated answers. This holiday will be a new experience for all of us, we will be essentially flying solo this Christmas with Braz and nikki being in Hawaii, Ty has essentially checked out ad is living with his Girlfriend, Brandon who is living at te house is very quiet and unassuming in his demeanor and really hard to tell if he's home at times. so Terria and i are left to our own devices at most times and enjoy the solitude of each others company, terria's strained relationship with her psychotic mother has allowed her to break away from walking on eggshells with her mother and she can now not have to be at her mother's beck and call and deal with her eccentricities at nauseum anymore, her mother's choice to make tit this way and we are all good with it. her mother has in a sense become what her mother was, an embittered old woman who truly thinks that's she's special for not what she does, just that she is and she exists therefore she is special, not in this lifetime Lady , and her treatment of her perfectly wonderful daughter is criminal to me. but we are in a better place as a result, sad to think that there are people so who think and live so negatively and assume that the world owes them their just due. Well, when reality sets in and you die and grumpy old person with 3 people by your side then your life has been a bitter disappointment i would think. For now , we live in the positive and the goodness that we share and have been allowed by god to enjoy on a daily basis, forever growing towards bigger and better things without haste or without  condemnation but truly allowed to enjoy our life's as they are, very simple and very enjoyable together. So i wish a very Happy 46th birthday to my girl and my special Lady Terria, Gods has blessed us with the life and understanding that we will share til our parting days, i plan on enjoying each and every one to the fullest degree. Have a wonderful day sweetie, I love you so very much!


  1. THANK YOU G-man
    As the whirlwind of a day winds down I sit here to thank you for your love and support. The flow of emotions began pouring out last night and continued throughout the day...thank you for your loving words as why today is special for you. I hope you didn't mind having the night off from cooking...enjoyed being right beside you, instead of you slaving away in the kitchen. Here's to positive and goodness filled days with MUCH love, laughter, & YOU, my husband.Mmmmmmm.....CAKE
    I love you so very much G-man!!!

  2. It was a Blast and enjoyed it ,Thank you sweetie!

  3. It was nice that I didn't have to bake a cake too thank goodness for Marie Callendar.......da Bitch!
