Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Morning Full of Nothingness but goodness

A real Nice Day in Socal this morning, looks like mid 60's today and the sun is bright this am.  Came into work as the first one through the door today, empty office, got some breakfast started for the crew, fried potatoes and bacon with Onions and scrambled eggs, very good, had a little and then came to my desk, the LA times is being read and looking at the dodgers winter meetings possible trades in the works. Read where ex Dodger Jayson Werth just got 18 million for 7 years topping out over 120 million plus for in my opinion a better than average player and not deserving of that kind of money, but we now know why the Nationals are in last place, bad business deals!!!! Other than that the day is doing what it will do, drag a little , write a little , read a little ,very little going on today. Drinking a Rockstar at 8 am and feeling the affects, gotta run to the boys room and download and empty out the tank immediately.Ok......... back from that Debacle and feeling better now , have some unrest in the office as of tis weekend, we have Jeannette's mother in law who passed away yesterday and her Husband being ugly towards her, nothing new in that realm .typical Black man with a white woman syndrome and a girl with no self -esteem to stand up to Nig Nog mentality of being the bully. I'm no racist but this is the type of jive ass i despise but she has choices and has made bad ones. One of those cases where living together for years and deciding to get married and have another child thinking that it would fix it all, now he is in debt and dragging her down with her ,lost their house and now he owes 20k in back taxes as he wasn't paying federal taxes for 3 years... Dumbass! Then we move to my friend Richard who just had a baby with his Girlfriend, and that relationship never stood strong, he moved her into his house and she lives with him for 500 a month which includes utilities, always told him if she's your woman make her pay half that way it equal, he never bought into my advise , well she would always tell him that she was a convenience for him and he only moved her in for the money he was getting from her,not thinking at all that he was saving her at least a thousand buck a month by moving her in. He is a great dad with his daughter and loves her to death but she was never content and always nagged at him and threatened she would leave because he always get on her for being a slob and how she hires a cleaning crew to clean up her mess instead of doing it herself, even to the point she has the crew fold and put her clothes away that are clean and all over the floor, Richard is OCD clean freak and doesn't do well with that and has always covered for her by picking her shit up, not anymore ! He kicked her out this past weekend and finally had enough of her bullshit, Rich and Lu are actually going to my Therapist and she suffers from Princess mentality where she feels entitled to a certain lifestyle and thinks she rich and blows money on shit, even wen taint debt to buy a Mercedes to look the part, has a business degree and thinks her shit is better than his. So Rich is free of her and hope he fights for 50% custody of his baby and i will testify to his abilities as a father. so I am a little worried about him and that he will bounce back ok . More drama on the braz front, he's having sneaking suspicions that his young wife is cheating on him again  and can't trust her but doesn't want to quit on her either, he's in a bad place and i tried to tell him that if there is no trust , there is no relationship, move on and start over and do not have any kids with her until you guys get your shit straight, if ever!!! So we are holding on to the fact that he is readying for Afghanistan in late march now and has that cloud over his head, and now has to worry about one of his own troop mate as the opponents in regards to his wife, he could go up his chain and get them both kicked out for fraternization but he has a kind heart and would not want to do that to her, blind love, stupid love , whatever the case may be he needs to get his focus on before he goes into war. I just sent Sabrina to the Starbucks to get me some burnt coffee to start the morning off right and am treating the office to Starbucks, so I get employee of the month for December, why, because i just gave it to myself for the 12 straight month and have the parking spot right next to the back door, as i have the past 12 years since we moved to this building...Good Times I am feeling and good life i am living , I can be such a dick but people love me anyways , i guess people don't always mind hearing the truth and non PC goes allot further these days... more later

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