Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thursdays slow Start

Got up late this morning, no desire to get up and really even less to go to work, but the promise i made of Kapn Crunch coated french toast made me honor that promise and ended up at work 45 minutes later than i was supposed to be. I cracked the eggs , season the eggs wash , had my midget co worker Sabrina a My sous chef as she crunched up the cereal  and had the Texas toast ready to be dipped and then exposed to the cereal then friend up! while doing this I crushed some Blueberries and Boysenberries combined those in a reduction of sugar and water and made a syrup for the french toast, i did taste one and it was the best i have ever made and my crew was wowed by a simple thing that is very easy to make, the mess on the other hand and the clean up really sucks!!!! i hate the cleaning aspect of cooking, but i love to cook more than i hate to clean up after myself. The girls offered to clean the kitchen after I was done but I wanted them to relax and enjoy their meal and not to trouble them with my mess! so we are in weekend mode already, going to look at Golf clubs for Terria tonight and hopefully can bring home something tonight for her Christmas present, then will have to look for cool pink shoes and she already bought herself a really nice pink Glove and can be seen practicing her swing not only outside in the front yard  but in the house while we are watching the golf channel in the TV room, so damn cute and adorable. speaking of cute ,"despicable Me" is coming out on DVD here soon and i so love that movie and my adorable Agnes" it's So fluffy I'm gonna die" she really made this year special for me and if i ever had a little girl she would be that cute i know! Got 15 minutes til i run up front and watch the front desk, look forward to lunch today  can further work on my golf swing that is almost where i want it to be, felt really good hitting the balls at lunchtime, then a short quick workout after work, a short 30 minute circuit training felt really good. Tonight we have Morales and therapy, we baked him Monster peanut butter,oatmeal,m&m, chocolate  chip cookies and thus are called monster cookies for they are ass kicking pack a big assed punch when you eat them , and you wear them the next day believe me! Well i am starting to ready for the front, i'm rading a new book and it's about the Creator and inventor of Ping golf Clubs, Karsten Solheim, a great story and a very great philanthropic man who was not only a great inventor but a really good human being who has brought many great innovative ideas to golf and is widely copies by every other brand since his copyrights has expired here recently. another great read along with my AK-47 book , another great read! Well i am off to the front and will check back later

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