Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Good day of shopping and driving in the rain today,Terria ,Brandon Kristen and I ventured to the stores and then to the Valley for Pizza cookery lunch of the Best Pizza in the world and a great salad and sodas, had a nice drive home in the rain and even dealt with the damn Christmas Music Kenny rogers style on the way home...yuck. we ended up at the gym later this evening and stopped at smart and final to stock up on Baking supplies since we plan on making some cookies and caramels and other sugary treats for family and friends this Christmas day!  After midnight now and Tuesday morning is upon me now. Not much planned tomorrow, the rain is putting a real damper on the vacation so far but it's ok i guess, really want to be out Golfing and Terria needs the practice as well. Sp Not too tired and not much to write about , things are pretty damn good in my world and i cannot complain whatsoever and won't either ! Good Night and Good Times tomorrow and for the rest of my days!

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