Sunday, January 30, 2011

Busy Saturday and a Heavy Load

Very busy day yesterday to be able to post any new writings, So i get up today thinking i was going to golf with Tim and I feel a little sore and tired and call to cancel, as I looked outside it was raining so i ain't golfing today regardless.  Well back to a day ago and it was quite the strange day as it began heading over to the storage facility that was Terrias, it brought back some  very bitter and sad moments for as I unloaded her storage area which she had to get at the end of May 2010 due to my indiscretions and affair. We loaded every box and the Futon and mattress and all of her goods that she was prepared to take on to her new life without me, things that were taken when I was away on memorial day weekend. I assume it hurt her a little and i asked her, she said she sensed a little sadness in me and knew what I was thinking as we loaded the truck and brought it home to its proper place. Unloading the truck at home was a reprieve as Terria ,Brandon and i unloaded, sorted and re-arranged the cluttered garage in to a fully functional place to hang out and swing a golf club or ball bat, play music on the badass stereo system i forgot i had in there and just be able to move around again! As each item was stacked i felt more relief in knowing that this chapter in our lives was essentially over, a mere 8 months to the day that she moved her things out she was finally moved back in completely. So the gammet of emotions were gone through and I was tired as hell both emotionally and physically, so much so we didn't go to the gym or hit golf balls ata ll yesterday, just relaxed and enjoyed the sunny day. We did had over to Sams Saloon and celebrate Trainer ed from Bally's 55th birthday and stayed and ate  some incredible BBQ , gave Ed a BJ's certificate , he likes to drink over there after his shift at the gym  so we were there almost 2 hours, had a nice little duet laying music in the corner which was cool, even had a good laugh at the 2 look at me Bimbos that tried so hard to be acknowledged  but nobody cared, i even popped off to some of the guys, "who called the strippers", theres no pole in here!!!  very funny people. The day ended of rus as we headed home, Terria ran to costco to get groceries for the week and frozen a yogurt for us all, my favorite, next to cake of course. We stayed in for a quiet night, did more Ebay stuff listed more stuff and have to wait til Tuesday for the first round of stuff to be sold and that's not counting the 10 items I have sold and the 5 that will be ending soon that have some decent bids on them. This ebay thing is more like work, the packaging ad the shipping part o fit is the hard part the pictures and the listing made so easy with this amazing computer and iphone camera which takes amazing pictures and can be listed and downloaded in 2 minutes. Sunday morning writing and going to read the L.A. times, watch the final round of Golf from Torrey Pines  and make breakfast, knowing full well that Terria and I owe the gym a visit and will get that done sometime today before the gym closes at 8pm. So as the rains fall I realize, no golf or Motorcycle today and staying in or going to a movie could be the big activity today! THe weekend has nearly come to a close, the workweek should bring some excitement , have some people back from vacations and sickness and hope that the mood is better than last weeks dreary existence of my friends Richards soon to be ugly breakup from his girlfriend, he has a 10 month old precious little girl and it appears that the mother will hold this baby hostage over him, so i foresee some ugly days with Richard and  know that I will be there to support him anyway i can. Richard actually goes to my therapist as well and really gets on well with Michael and has helped him very much with his issues. We don't have an appt with Michael til Feb 10 and kinda look forward to that, the following day i drive Terria to the airport for her trip to Hawaii to visit Braz before he deploys to Afghanistan in March. so i will be alone for 8 days without many wife and will stay as busy as i can but also enjoy the time alone to reflect and to allow each other to regenerate and replenish and Terria needs to bond with her boy before he goes into harms way. Some of the girls at work are asking if I'm going to be ok  without her, and i say yeah but we shall see after a couple of days of no late night conversations and no doing the little affectionate things we always do, it will be fine and i know that 8 days isn't that long but I have never been that long in between departures from my wife! So I will be good and know that the time away will do Terria good and help her reassure our boy that we love him and think about him all of the time and to e strong on both end. Yeah Terria has even told me she is prepared for him to not come back and knows he has put himself in a very dangerous spot by essentially volunteering for Rabbit position on the lead vehicle on missions, which essentially means he's the first target in the turret when they go out on missions! Not  very comforting thought as  a parent but Braz is a real daredevil and this is not a game, So we pray for the safety of our Son and the safety of the troops in general. Today was a good day, ths is part 2 of an unfinished first part of this post, I accidentally sent this prematurely so this is the latter part of the post. Today was really good, we watched golf and then we went to the gym, made some really good grilled tuna and cous cous and then enjoyed some leftover yogurt from yesterday so we are golden and we are good. So Tomorrow brings us a new workweek and I do look forward ot getting into the mix with my co-workers again, some are good, some are there and others just pass through he halls and don't really affect my day one bit, but the one constant is the people who walk through the doors as the customers , that I do look forward to and try so hard to give them everything that they deserve, I treat them good, but since Braz is i the Army now I imagine every kid that walks in as Braz and i want to treat them as I would treat him and hope he is treated as well by the personnel in the Housing  arenas where he stays. So off to the living room to spend the rest of the evening with Terria and hope the week goes by quickly and give us sunshine so Golf and riding will be an option that i can partake in. Heres' wishing a great week for everybody and a special thought to all of the troops serving the country and to all of my friends who suffer from cancer.Good Day and great night...Good night


  1. The load was heavy, but there was inner peace knowing we were closing this chapter TOGETHER. Life is like a book with many different chapters.
    Some tell of tragedy, others of triumph. Some chapters are dull and ordinary, while others are
    intense and exciting. We succeeded in this chapter because when it became difficult WE didn't quit. We had the courage to keep turning
    the pages, and we have the true love and admiration knowing a better chapter lies ahead.
    Thank you for your love & support during this new experience of Braz's deployment...I know the days ahead will bring many raw emotions for us all. While side by side or while we are separated by the Pacific Ocean to know our love and devotion is stronger than ever allows me to carry on with inner strength

  2. Hitting the nail on the head once again my Dear, "TOGETHER" is the key and i know that the next 12-13 months will bring about many emotions and feeling of despair in regards to our helplessness with Braz, we put our lives and the lives of our boys and family in God's hands and pray for calm during turbulent times, thanks again for the love and support, your Husband, G-man
