Monday, January 3, 2011

Reality Doesn't Bite

Just returned from the gym here at work and feeling really refreshed and glad to be back in that routine of it all.  Doesn't really seem like I've been away that long just picked up from where I left off, doing nothing and waiting for the few customers that i do have to walk through the door. Today is my last day before i turn 48 years old and don't really know where all of the years went and how i got to this point so quickly. Irregardless of how old i look I have always told myself i will never get old mentally, this is something that i have prided myself in ,in that i can fit in with any crowd, always have been, even as a child was able to meld right into the older crowd and as a middle aged person can deal with the young as well as the old and always seem to learn something new, or teach something to a younger person. either way aint no way i act like a 48 year old man , am pretty damn proud of that fact and the truth of being is the sense of humor  and to be able to make myself laugh first and foremost but apparently others think I'm pretty crazy funny too. always being the guy who said his piece regardless of who was around I have been a blessed soul to be able to communicate freely, some may like it , some may hate me or the way i deal with my shit but I gotta be me  and that's what i am "ME". along with the tweeks and twists of a newer , more improved Greg, the guy who might contemplate for a nano second before going off on that gregasaurian tangent and even Care about what i say or do and how it might affect somebody who is not adept or used to the way i deal with my shit or my life. always told i am the walking contradiction at times is for the most part my biggest part of my humor, what works today may not work tomorrow, but in life we are forever changing and seemingly evolve, or in some cases de-volve and regress into lesser than we once were. for this I keep my youthful exuberance about me and stay on top of music, reading , spirituality and other things that keep my mind young  and fresh. My body has taken a beating over the years, the knees from years of sports ,cycling and running have eroded down a bit and the hips are very tired from carrying the load that the knees are supposed to, ass the extra weight that the years have added on and here i am today a Gym Rat fool always trying to get fit and stay fit and keep the heart and soul healthy and well worked on. So the days of restful slumber have never been a friend of mine and i a not the guy who guys to Hawaii to sit in a chaise lounge and drinking the Mai tai, i'm the guy on the parasail, or the golf Course or cruising the places of historical importance , i love my history and i love the factual aspects of life. Explains my "Realist" point of view ON everything, the fact that the Reality TV scene has taken over the world is very depressing to me, the "real World " is nothing like it is portrayed . but there are folks who live in the i wish era of their lives and people like me who live in the "This Is the way it is" and deal with it , change it , make it better or deal with the hand you deal yourself. Somewhat calloused at times but dammit I'm not a dreamer and If i want it ,i go get it and don't wait for it to fall out of the sky. But being the realist has truly made me take stock in what i am,who i am, what i have  and what i almost gave away. We are in a blessed arena here and why would i ever want to dream away , live in it, enjoy it, for IT is the best that God could ever give a person, My life is a treasured thing and knowing that it could be gone tomorrow is a grounding source of reality for me. Too  many times we seek out for outside influences , yet at these times we never seem to look within and see what we have, is what we want ever as good as what we have.... NO. so 48 Years of life have taught me so much, i love to live , i love to love and i love my expressionary beauty that i can share with the world. Read it but please don't weep.

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