Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jan 4,1963

48 years ago a little boy was brought into this world as an unknowing observer of life ! As the years progressed and more awareness was thrust upon me I can only think back to a childhood of anything and everything, some good, some really bad and a whole lotta of Love from a big sister and 2 other siblings that will never be forgotten. Growing up in a world of disarray and conflicts and would either become that, or rise above that which I was taught at the early age. The Day i was born was apparently a big deal i  the neighborhood, people came from up and down the street to check out the future Gregasaurus and to see what the big deal was, there was no big deal to me , i was busy pissing and shitting myself and would grow up and continue to do the same for so many years.  Yeah ,it's my birthday and I have never been that guy to parade around saying it's My birthday and would fly under the radar, but coming in the office this morning with the advent of technology and Facebook notifications etc. almost impossible to fly under any radars these days! I am a very fortunate person who can relate to the trials and tribulations of a mans psyche, and where it can go and lead him to. after being brought up in a home with parents who lacked sophistication enough to know how to truly parent and to truly show and give the Love that is needed i essentially raised myself, and taught myself the lessons of love and hate and respect and all of the things that a rubber slipper on the ass could never give me. so i raised myself emotionally and raised myself to do things for myself, all of which had come back to bite me in the ass as an adult. I do thank my sister April for being the stone of guidance during my younger years and for always being the person i could go to, even today she is a special person to me and all that have become is partly due to my big sister. My upbringing being whatever it was showed me allot of things, some of which i do not repeat as an adult, some which i can honestly say are engrained in me and mainly my ability to love and be loved has always been strayed a bit, my confidence in every area of my life with the exception of feeling worthy to be loved and taken care of. Being the guy who emotionally raised himself it;' shard to allow somebody, even my Terria who is so special to get too close to me without impinging upon my comfort zones of doing things for myself. So yeah , it is a blessed day  to know that the world that i know is as safe a place emotionally to be these days, to be where i am with where I've been is truly a great feat that only God knows how he got me here. The times when i was lost and he found me and put me back on the right track, even as a young boy guiding me without my knowledge, protecting me from myself as it turns out is the biggest nemesis and has always been. now with the thanks to Morales and his therapeutic genius I can look forward instead of back and see the sun rising upon the hills that await my travels.   Thanks to God, my family, My boys and My Terria for allowing a very complex soul to do his thing and allow this at times crazy dude do his thing! Blessed is the person who surrounds himself with people who know when to hug and kiss and when to kick in the ass by keeping it all real! And as an aside , i do thank my mother for trying her best to raise me in a loving environment and giving me all that she knew how to, albeit at times less than i needed and more trouble than what it was worth i can respect her for being an incredibly strong woman, even if we never truly got along very well! i do love you Mother, I'm just not the son that Richard is to you, and could never be that to you... enough about that! good days and Good times!

1 comment:

  1. And for the record, the above may have sounded a bit negative , but i would not change places with anybody and i am blessed to be where i am with the people i share this journey with . God Blessed us all and we just need to recognize!!!!
