Sunday, January 2, 2011

Last Free Day

Back to work tomorrow and really excited about getting back into the normal routine and seeing my friends at work! Today is the last day of doing whatever i want and I will enjoy the day regardless. The Rains are trying to damping my spirits but that won't depress me too much, no golf today and oh well I say, would rather be out golfing but as the rains come so goes the chances to be outside today. Come what may I'm sure the gym will see me sometime today and might get some energy from that. As I sit here in my TV Room chair and type away my thoughts ,feelings and desires for the day, i can only stop and reflect how much the life of Greg has changed over the past year , all for the good, and sometimes i do reflect upon the life I nearly left behind and the ways of the world were destined to change. But looking back only helps me to look forward with a more positive attitude and knowing full well that I can conquer anything that stands in front of me, to include myself and my wayward ways and thoughts of hard-headed ness. So being my own worst enemy and best ally is a very dynamic sense of life for me, a reality that i live with every single day. I don't see these  things as a challenge just a mere blessing that I can be so strong and so very resilient  and have the where with all to stand up to whatever life has to throw at me. So bring it ! My faith in God and family are larger than whatever can be thrown in front of me at this point in my life. i love my life and where i have fought to rise atop and be looking down upon all that i was , all that i thought I was and now knowing that this life I have , be it today or tomorrow or whenever I leave this earth will be ready to conquer the day and share the goodness with whomever wants to be apart of it all. Again, many thanks to God and to Terria for being the most integral part of my life and my development as a better person and overall human being! It may be raining outside but the sun will always shine upon my life! Good Day!

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