Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Coffee Table

November 22 2009 was a very scary day for me, the day that I nearly killed myself on the motorcycle ride around Lake Casitas. So much time to heal both mentally and physically and spiritually and here I am today better in all areas kin my life and really feeling good about things. Since the accident I re-acquainted with Golf almost to obsessed proportions and continue to do so with me now including Terria in the game that I love. Over the last 8-9 months the Motorcycle has cropped up again and again, never truly having it out of my system and missing my passion almost too much to honestly cover up anymore. The discussions with Terria were numerous but i would always defer to my love for her and my family and their wishes to never again hop on a bike. SO I listened and I pondered and stewed and Terria being the constant positive in my life always told me ,if it is my passion then do it and do it then way you know how! I would fight the thoughts of her worrying about me while I was out in a ride but that's a constant I know and she will always think about my safety whenever we are apart as I do when she is not with me. So our discussion continued til the other day when she noticed I was online looking at Ducatis and she asked me if I was getting the itch again, It never really went away I thought to myself. So I made the decision based on a few things, one of which stares at me more each day. The fact that we all live our lives with some apprehension and fears is normal, we protect ourselves and the ones we love with every fiber in our body and yet at times fail miserably in those attempt and wonder where we went wrong. I have been the guy who fears not really anything and live a carefree life and do what i feel is natural for me to do. So I get the mail focal point of my reasoning to get back on the bike and do what I became so good at ,riding a fast motorcycle fast, the passion of leaning a bike over at triple digit speed and scraping knees and bike parts under control are so natural for me , like hitting a Baseball to me, never lose it either the ability and passion stay close to the heart. I was thinking how I've lost 3 friends recently to Cancer, others are fighting Cancer and this horrible scourge in our Society is in all of our minds and had personally made me take stock of my existence and know that it could be gone today, tomorrow or some time sooner than we all have planned, I want to enjoy my life, my family and also my passions which include riding motorcycles ,Golfing and Playing Baseball again in an old adult league which explains the knee surgery and the desire to me pro active in my life and the activities that I love so much. I am truthfully afraid of dying and leaving this world without enjoying my passions, life without passion is a life not worth living and I do  not want to ever look back and question why I didn't do something I enjoyed when I had the chance, for this I am justifying my selfishness with simply saying, "I Follow my passions" So I am and will and know that my family may not agree and if for some reason I kill myself riding a motorcycle it would be no different than getting killed on the streets or getting hit on the golf course by an errant ball to the noggin. Life is too short to put limitations on it and for this I trust God will help me be smart and aware and know how to best prepare myself for whatever the streets and the world have to bring me. To my family I say trust in God and my abilities to use better judgement and more aware than ever . Agree or disagree as you must, but the fact that I have always been the wild card amongst us all should always lay claim to the fact that Gregory Anthony Duran has not only always beat to his own drum, but has made the drum set and painted it pink! I love you all and God has Blessed us all!

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