Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to Work in 2011 !

It's 8 am and I'm finally  back to work and truly enjoying being back at my desk being back in a normal routine of it all has it's advantages as does having the freedom to do nothing or as much as i wanted to over the past 17 plus days! A very good vacation and this years time away took on a whole new meaning, to look back and reflect on a very busy 2010 and the growth and gains that the Duran household has endured and conquered all in one swoop! I am really in a good place emotionally right now, having gone through the personal issues earlier in the year and having done so much to so many , going beyond the accident and through the affair i can see the progress that this life was intended to procure. Throught he goodness of therapy and finally unveiling the unfounded stubbornness to agree upon therapy i can see where the growth has come from and where it has taken me to. The ability to step away ands allow the loved ones in my life to give of themselves and be receptive to it all, to be able to give back better than ever before is the direct result of identifying all the old tools that weren't working properly, to allow myself either through therapy or through self preservation a few things needed to happen to Make a new Greg prosperous in changing the things that were wrong and improving on all that was already right and in the right frame of existence. Today is the beginning of a new way here at work, some minor changes in office policy ,all for the good and the crew is in a great place we were rated highly in customer service and relations this past year amongst the region, we were rated at 94% which is unheard of in our surveys sent out middle last year, most people who fill those out and return them are complainers and only fill that stuff out when they want to complain and gripe, not this year we were given an Emerald award for excellency and will receive some sort of personal awards be it a cash Reward from the GOVT. or at least certifications for the accomplishments. So the boss is in a great mood and we are all ready and willing to put forth the extra effort knowing that we are being recognized only makes it that much easier to get motivated to give our best for the people that give the exsistance of our jobs their true meaning.   So another work years starts , have another 4 weeks of vacation time to burn by years end and we were talking about going to Orlando with Tim ands April over the summer, make it a Golf and Disney for the girls vacation but Tim didn't seem to hip on that , he's weird about shit that isn't his idea so we might go without him and Ape and Golf just Terria and i, assuming that she still enjoys golf at that point and has the fire to Play 18 with her husband! If we do that i will take Terria to Daytona beach and to Jacksonville since I have spent a lot of time there with our Navy housing training institute being in Florida. Looks like another great year and as i previously stated ,2010 was a great year , it had it's rough moments but moreso  it was a catapult to a better place and time for the Duran household. Putting alot of things behind me and being able to look beyond and see the future is truly a bright one, spiritually , emotionally, physically and in every which way a better place to be and prosper in all of our life's goodness. God Bless and good day 

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