Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Powerful Conversations

It was a very pleasurable Birthday celebration yesterday, Came into work with a good attitude and was greeted with numerous Birthday hugs and hoots and hollers from the crew, they made a really good tri Tip lunch for me with a cake and a really nice spread of good food and cheer. The day went realy well, ate a good lunch and then went to the driving range and hit golf balls for 45 minutes working on the swing as an ongoing process and is working itself better each day. Went home and on the way stopped at Ballys for a 45 minute good quick no nonsense workout  with a little cardio and  a leg workout felt really good. Headed homeward and could smell the turkey cooking and the yeast rolls rising and all was nearly ready by the 630 dinner bell, Tim and Ape came and brought my Mom and we had a quiet but enjoyable evening. by 830 everybody was gone, we did dishes and then proceeded to relax and i watched the MLB network and played on the Macair for awhile. Before i knew it 1130 pm stared me in the face and Terria was in our room reading. she put her Book down and asked me if i enjoyed my day , I did very much i responded and then we opened up a conversation that we started in the TV room a couple hour prior. We talked about relationships and couples and how strange it must appear to them  that Terria and i are so good together, this was triggered by a phone call Terria got from Friend of hers and is generally Negative Nancy, hates her husband  hates her life and really has nothing to talk about but seemingly negative things, she is a good person who is pretty good to us both but the negativity has at times gotten the best of Terria and she doesn't always answer the phone we she See's its her calling. Terria seems to feel that Raquel is a bit jealous at the fact that we do so much together and we share so much , the chores , the vacations and essentially seemed to be a little taken back at the fact that terria and i are working it out after June 2010! We also spoke of some other coupe swe kow to include Tim and April and i out it very clearly that how many woman i know who put up with Husbands who do nothing around the house  and expect so much of their wives. I told Terria that my view on being a husband is so different than the normal view of things, it is my job as a man to make the woman in my life's world a better place to be, taking on the responsibilities of some of the household chores , for example, i do most of the cooking and cleaning of floors and the kitchen,  do my own laundry and don't expect my wife to pull my next day's clothing and ready it for me, don't expect my breakfast made but terria does do my Coffee In the morning and has my Meds on the table for me . Terria has a different idea of what it means to be my wife as well, we put no expectations on each other as far as money, or bills or household duties, we share them all and Terria actually edges the yard while i mow the lawn in front, she just does and apparently she likes to do it so i let her. My purpose is to make her life enriched and easier and allow her the right to be a woman, see her friends and do what she wants to do as well as what she needs to do for herself. God knows she has enriched so many lives to include,we do so much together and we enjoy the gym and golfing and eating out, the drives which we call mystery rides as we never know where we're going but end up at a destination together which is the most important thing"it's who you're with , not where you're at that truly matters " I've always said. But the conversation then split into another tangent  and the accident and how we would sit in the living room and watch lifetime movies, i told her certain parts of the healing process were now coming back to me and how last January 4th on my birthday was my first trip back to the gym in the 2 months that i was healing, was so weak and could only muster a 15 minute walk and a 15 minute lifecycle session and i was done, the went to Montezuma for a family dinner with My family and was so weak and tired. the reflection made her very sad . i then reflected back to memorial day weekend when i came home to the empty house and all of my letters to her were on the bed and our wedding t shirt we had made up sitting ON the bed with all of the little trinkets we shared. How i was willing to walk away from it all and go into another life with another person, we both were very sad and very much reminded of the pains and hurt that 2009 and then early to mid 2010 were for us both. I then spoke of the amazing growth since then ans we agreed that Michael Morales is a Godsend to us both and how he has allowed us to heal and to grow properly each and every day , giving us the tools and the fortitude to recognize certain behaviors and self heal and self medicate accordingly with the knowledge we had been given! It was a very involved evening of thoughts and prayers , ideas and remembrances of better and worse time sin our lives, childhood occurrences and the thought that this all had to happen to put us in this wonderful place we are in today. Yes ,God does work in mysterious ways and allows us to right our own ships through him and with him as the captain of lifes' ship! We have been down many rocky roads together and we will endure more I'm sure, but the knowledge to know we are both strong loving, giving and totally complete human beings gives us the strength to conquer whatever life throws at us. As I always say , This life is our to enjoy, this life is very simple and all of it;'s goodness is ours to have and thrive upon, it is WE who can ruin and destroy this goodness and must work harder every day to make the stagnation that human nature wants to bring to the table, a very distant and non existent beast. God blessed us all, let's not waste these blessings and enjoy the goodness that he has bestowed upon our lives and all those who love us and we can love back

1 comment:

  1. Oh!!! How we have grown as husband & wife, as well as individuals. What a glorious celebration of the day you were born!!! Our conversations never cease to amaze me...keep'em coming Honeeeey! Much love to you today and always!
    CAKE ;)
