Sunday, January 9, 2011

Damn It's Cold

What started out as an uneventful day turned into a really good day after all.  Did get to the gym later than expected but went, then decided to go hit golf Balls, Terria was at urgent care getting her sinus infection diagnosed and medicated appropriately. so the day which started off in a cold cloud of yuck ended up very nicely. Came home and made chicken dinner and sat and enjoyed that with Terria, she is still not feeling very chipper but is trying to fight through it all. after i finished dinner and sat down i too am feeling a little sluggish and wonder if the cold weather and gym and hitting balls took their toll, feel achy and sore but a nice Hot shower will hopefully bring me back to life. As the short work week approaches I am really looking forward to Friday and the knee surgery, it's feeling a little more sore each day and is truly ready to be cleaned up and made to feel new again. Not a big fan of going under for surgery but the doctor prefers it and I definitely want him to feel comfortable doing his shit and don't need any hassles from me while he trying to do his job so i defer to his expertise. Should be a nice work week , nothing on the horizon and nothing pending just being there for 9 hours and doing my time . Tomorrow is the big college game of #1 and #2 going at it, I truly hope The ducks come out and play like they are capable and they should be ok. But that's why they play the games and all the hype goes out the window, so we shall see who comes to play in the big game. Ready to hit the showers and clean up my act a bit here and have a nice hot cup of cocoa laden coffee and enjoy the warmth and the presence of my Honey... good night

1 comment:

  1. The Hot shower definitely helped and feel a ton better after all. Just relaxing and playing on the lapper now watching Iron Chef on the Food network and enjoying a Diet Pepsi. Seems so much later than 1030. anyway Good night here real soon, looking to get back into my book and read another 20 tonight, might even read a few of my Bible and see whats what in the world of Christianity
