Monday, January 24, 2011

Where did everybody go, Not to work !

Monday morning is here , at work and me and John the only ones in so far. We have one of the gals on vacation, the other on 2 weeks of training in San Diego, My friend Angie who just got back from New Orleans on  Govt. travel Is not coming in, Richard is in Vegas and is not coming in and Citty it's her scheduled day off. so here goes, I'm going to bitch a little about my co-workers and their dedication to the job they get paid well to execute, we don't work hard, we have a boss that is incredibly lenient in all aspects of this job and makes me scratch my head.  So Jeannette and Sabrina are scheduled not to be here , well enough, Angie was on a paid vacation last week in New Orleans and didn't show up today, Richard took an impromptu trip to Vegas and always complains about being broke  yet he still is always doing stuff and buying things beyond his claims of being broke. Then there's Citty, a good friend of mine that I've worked with for 18 years, she has had some health issues and misses alot of work , and when she isn't ill her kids are always into something and need her constant attention, mind you they are 21 and 19 years old both out of work  so you see where I'm going with this one. Citty has missed so much work unfortunately that she used up all of her leave and has no leave to cover her days off, Pete ahas allowed her to come in on weekends to make up time and yet she takes her Mondays off because they are her scheduled days off, I'm always wondering why not come in on these days and bank some leave time but that's not for me to say. Maybe I'm angry at the fact that people take this job for granted and don't truly understand how hard some people have it out there in the real world. I get frustrated because here i am here shortly after knee surgery not missing any days and have truly been blessed with great health, have not had a common cold in over 2 years and have not missed a day from work from illness in at least that long, i do take days off but those are vacation days which i have earned. i guess my good health is a result that i 'm religiously going to the gym and always trying to be healthier, by the  way these co workers off mine live their lives and eat their shit and never workout or do anything but Couch potato diving it's a wonder that they survive at all. Yeah I'm frustrated today at the fact that i have to sit up front all day and play the worlds biggest and ugliest secretaries on earth, but it's part of my job and part of what i do best, customer relations! My Monday did not start off really as i wanted it to but that's out of my control, people taking their jobs a little more seriously wouldn't hurt around here and I have offered on numerous occasions to work on my days off if needed, Pete has always told me don't worry about it he has it covered. so with that i at least make the attempt to be courteous to my fellow co-workers but they rarely if ever make the same to the rest of the crew, really sad I'd say.  As for the weekend ,I was able to work my knee to a new sore level, i really feel it and it feels good, getting flexibility back every day and almost ready to throw a leg over that New Ducati that's sits in my living room where my old coffee table once sat. Funny as that sound it's something I stole from an old riding buddy Rene who lives here in the Nard, I visited his house one day and he had his Ducati superbike sitting on Stands in his Den area,  too goddamn funny I say. So we will get through the day fine and looking forward to a new 2 1/2 men episode tonight and get in a nice gym workout with terria after work., hoping the day is kind to all and thanking God for the goodness in my life.

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